The two Eaton sisters both fought against the turn of the ce…

The two Eaton sisters both fought against the turn of the century prejudice that Asian people faced while also struggling with their own “mixed” identities. Both stories you are assigned to read focus on experiences related to mixed identities and the difficulty of moving back and forth between Asian and Western contexts. What are some of the elements of the stories that struck you? Also, how to you think these early accounts of mixed Asian identity relate to the present day reality of mixed race people? Let the discussion begin!

In examining the two stories assigned, namely Sui Sin Far’s “Mrs. Spring Fragrance” and Winnifred Eaton’s “The Diary of Delia,” several elements emerged that struck me in relation to the theme of mixed identities and the challenges faced by individuals navigating Asian and Western contexts. These stories provide valuable insights into the historical experiences of mixed Asian identity and offer a basis for understanding the present-day reality of mixed race people.

First, it is important to note the prevailing prejudice and discrimination faced by Asian people during the turn of the century, as highlighted in both stories. In “Mrs. Spring Fragrance,” Mrs. Spring Fragrance encounters various instances of racism while trying to navigate Western society. She is subjected to people’s curiosity and ignorance, often being labeled as a “curiosity” herself. Similarly, in “The Diary of Delia,” the protagonist Delia faces discrimination when her true racial background is revealed to others. These instances shed light on the challenges mixed race individuals faced during this time period.

Another significant element in these stories is the exploration of mixed identities. Both Mrs. Spring Fragrance and Delia grapple with their dual cultural heritage and struggle to find a sense of belonging in both Asian and Western contexts. Mrs. Spring Fragrance, who is of Chinese-Scottish descent, endures internal conflicts regarding her cultural identity. She feels torn between her Eastern heritage and Western upbringing, leading to a sense of alienation. Delia, on the other hand, finds herself divided between her Chinese mother and English father, with her mixed heritage causing confusion and uncertainty about her place in the world.

Moreover, the stories also shed light on the themes of assimilation and authenticity. Mrs. Spring Fragrance attempts to adapt to Western customs, adopting English attire, and mannerisms to fit in. However, in doing so, she questions her authenticity and wonders if she has lost sight of her Chinese heritage. Similarly, Delia suppresses her Chinese identity to conform to Western society, only to feel an inner conflict and the consequences of denying her true heritage.

These early accounts of mixed Asian identity have relevance to the present-day reality of mixed race individuals. While society has undoubtedly evolved since the turn of the century, challenges related to identity and acceptance persist, albeit in different forms. Today, there is greater recognition and acceptance of mixed race individuals, and conversations surrounding identity have become more nuanced. However, mixed race individuals still face questions of belonging, racial categorization, and stereotypes.

In many ways, these early stories serve as precursors to the narratives of contemporary mixed race people. The experiences depicted in “Mrs. Spring Fragrance” and “The Diary of Delia” provide a historical context from which we can examine the complexities of mixed race identity today. By understanding the struggles faced by these early protagonists, we gain insight into the shared experiences and ongoing challenges faced by individuals of mixed race backgrounds.

In conclusion, the stories assigned offer valuable insights into the experiences related to mixed identities and navigating Asian and Western contexts. Elements such as prejudice, the exploration of dual identities, and the themes of assimilation and authenticity provide a rich understanding of the historical struggles faced by mixed race individuals. Furthermore, by drawing parallels between these early accounts and the present-day reality, we gain a better understanding of the continued significance of these narratives and the challenges faced by mixed race people today.